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비트코인, 2만달러 공방 중 8개월만에 최저치/크립토뉴스


by 20대 제조업 창업 도전기 2022. 9. 4. 22:02


비트코인, 2만달러 공방 중 8개월만에 최저치/크립토뉴스

포스팅 요약

9월 1일 비트코인 도미너스(시총 점유율)이 지난 1월 저점 이후 가장 낮은 수준으로 떨어졌습니다.


비트코인은 루나, 테라 사건 이후 지난 5월 40% 이하로 급격히 하락했습니다. 반면 이더리움은 전체 시총 19.7% 4일 연속 상승함에 있어서 크립토 관련 비트코인과 다양한 알트코인의 영향력을 수치화해 공시하는 블록체인센터이 이더리움 시총이 비트코인을 제치고 미래의 가장 가치있는 자산이 될 것이라고 예상했습니다.


블록체인센터(Blockchain Center) 홈페이지



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Bitcoin dominance (BTC.D), which is the market capitalization of BTC relative to that of all digital assets, has fallen below 40% for just the second time since 2018 and stands at an eight-month low, according to data from CoinMarketCap.

The move stands in contrast to the last crypto bear market which kicked off in 2018 and saw BTC.D rise throughout the carnage to above 70% in September 2019 as alternative crypto assets collapsed in price.



코인마켓캡(CoinMarketCap)의 데이터에 따르면 모든 디지털 자산 대비 BTC의 시가총액인 비트코인 ​​도미넌스(BTC.D)는 2018년 이후 두 번째로 40% 아래로 떨어졌고 8개월 만에 최저치를 기록했다.

이 움직임은 2018년에 시작된 마지막 암호화 약세 시장과 대조되며 대체 암호화 자산의 가격이 폭락하면서 2019년 9월 대학살 전체에서 BTC.D가 70% 이상으로 상승했습니다.


블록체인 관련 뉴스 트위터 채널

 The Defiant 트위터▼


The Defiant (@DefiantNews) / 트위터

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트위터에서 즐기는 The Defiant

“Bitcoin dominance has fallen below 40% for just the second time since 2018 📉 The move stands in stark contrast to the last crypto bear market which saw $BTC.D rise above 70% in September 2019. 🔗: @ofernau https://t.co/ymPLSci7rI”


비트코인, 2만달러 공방 중 8개월만에 최저치/크립토뉴스

The Rise of Ether

Perhaps predictably, Ether has emerged as a primary force driving BTC.D close to all-time lows. ETH dominance (ETH.D) stands at 20% as of Aug. 30 after crawling upwards from a low of below 8% during the last quarter of 2019.



이더리움의 가격 상승
아마도 예상대로 Ether는 BTC.D를 사상 최저 수준에 가깝게 만드는 주요 동력으로 부상했습니다. ETH 도미넌스(ETH.D)는 2019년 마지막 분기 동안 8% 미만의 최저치에서 위로 크롤링한 후 8월 30일 현재 20%에 있습니다.


비트코인, 2만달러 공방 중 8개월만에 최저치/크립토뉴스

ETH.D hasn’t collapsed with the bear market — instead, it’s held its approximate level of 20% since November 2021, which marked the peak for crypto as a whole when the market cap for all digital assets just pushed past $3T. 

BTC.D has been roughly stable since May 2021.

The ETH/BTC ratio, which is the price of ETH against the price of BTC, largely mimics the ETH.D chart. The two largest cryptocurrencies account for 60% of the market — ETH’s relationship to BTC largely dictates how dominant it is in the overall crypto market.



ETH.D는 약세장과 함께 무너지지 않았습니다. 대신 2021년 11월 이후로 대략적인 20% 수준을 유지하고 있습니다.
BTC.D는 2021년 5월부터 거의 안정적이었습니다.
BTC 가격에 대한 ETH 가격인 ETH/BTC 비율은 대부분 ETH.D 차트를 모방합니다. 두 개의 가장 큰 암호 화폐는 시장의 60%를 차지합니다. ETH와 BTC의 관계는 전체 암호 시장에서 ETH가 얼마나 지배적인지를 결정합니다.


비트코인, 2만달러 공방 중 8개월만에 최저치/크립토뉴스

ETH has dropped 59% in the last year, according to The Defiant Terminal. Despite that, it has held its level of roughly 20% dominance, as all major digital assets have lost comparable amounts of value in that time frame.

ETH Price
ETH PriceSep '21Nov '21Jan '22Mar '22May '22Jul '22Sep '2201k2k3k4k

ETH Price, Source: The Defiant Terminal

Funding At 14-Month Lows

Funding rates for ETH have also hit a 14-month low, according to an Aug. 28 report from a crypto trader who goes by Maartunn

When funding rates on perpetual futures of an asset are negative, that indicates a surplus of sellers, and traders get paid to go long. As Maartunn noted, the last time funding rates were this low on ETH in July 2021, the asset rallied shortly thereafter in a short squeeze.

Miner balances, the amount of ETH that miners hold, have also more than doubled from 114,255 to 261,849 in the last year, according to data from OKLink. This could indicate miners are bullish ahead of the Merge as they choose to hold their ETH block rewards rather than sell the tokens.



The Defiant Terminal에 따르면 ETH는 작년에 59% 하락했습니다. 그럼에도 불구하고 모든 주요 디지털 자산이 해당 기간 동안 비슷한 가치를 상실했기 때문에 약 20%의 지배력 수준을 유지했습니다.

14개월 최저치의 자금 조달
8월 28일 Maartunn이 운영하는 암호화폐 거래자의 보고서에 따르면 ETH의 자금 조달 비율도 14개월 만에 최저치를 기록했습니다.

자산의 무기한 선물에 대한 펀딩 비율이 음수이면 판매자가 흑자를 나타내고 거래자는 롱 롱에 대한 대가를 받습니다. Maartunn이 언급했듯이, 2021년 7월에 ETH에 대한 자금 조달 비율이 이만큼 낮았을 때 자산은 짧은 압박으로 그 직후 반등했습니다.

OKLink의 데이터에 따르면 채굴자가 보유한 ETH의 양인 채굴자 잔액도 지난해 114,255개에서 261,849개로 두 배 이상 증가했습니다. 이는 채굴자들이 토큰을 판매하는 대신 ETH 블록 보상을 보유하기로 선택하기 때문에 병합에 앞서 낙관적임을 나타낼 수 있습니다.


비트코인, 2만달러 공방 중 8개월만에 최저치/크립토뉴스

Previous Cycle

Bitcoin dominance has remained below 50% for 15 months now, a first for the crypto asset. 

The all-time low of 36.83% for BTC.D came on Jan. 8, 2018, at a time when other digital assets, sometimes referred to as “altcoins,” had rocketed upwards.

And they certainly did. From Dec. 8, 2017, to Jan. 8, 2018, ETH soared 145.8% to $1,185 from $482. Then-third-largest digital asset Ripple (XRP), which aims to be used as a currency for financial institutions, nearly pushed a decimal place to the left, surging to $2.14 from $0.24.  

January 2017 marked the top of the last crypto bull market. Afterwards, BTC.D worked its way back up to over 70% in August 2019 as the world’s largest cryptocurrency bled, but altcoins were decimated.

Now, the crypto market is bleeding again, having shed over two-thirds of its value since its November 2021 top. But this time, BTC.D has hovered around 40%, potentially signalling a less-dominant era for what is for now the world’s largest cryptocurrency.



비트코인 도미넌스는 현재 15개월 동안 50% 미만을 유지하고 있으며 이는 암호화 자산으로는 처음입니다.

BTC.D의 사상 최저치인 36.83%는 2018년 1월 8일에 나왔는데, 이때 "알트코인"이라고도 하는 다른 디지털 자산이 급증했습니다. 그리고 그들은 확실히 했습니다. 2017년 12월 8일부터 2018년 1월 8일까지 ETH는 $482에서 $1,185로 145.8% 급등했습니다. 금융 기관의 통화로 사용되는 것을 목표로 하는 당시 세 번째로 큰 디지털 자산 리플(XRP)은 0.24달러에서 2.14달러로 급등하며 소수점 이하 자릿수를 거의 왼쪽으로 밀었습니다.

2017년 1월은 마지막 암호화폐 강세장을 기록했습니다. 그 후 BTC.D는 2019년 8월 세계 최대 암호 화폐가 빠져나가면서 다시 70% 이상으로 돌아갔지만 알트코인은 소멸되었습니다.

이제 암호화폐 시장은 2021년 11월 최고점 이후 가치의 3분의 2 이상 하락하면서 다시 피를 흘리고 있습니다. 그러나 이번에 BTC.D는 약 40%를 맴돌며 잠재적으로 현재 세계에서 가장 큰 암호화폐에 대한 덜 지배적인 시대를 알립니다.


비트코인, 2만달러 공방 중 8개월만에 최저치/크립토뉴스

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